Monday, May 23, 2011

Fit-U #1

To those of you who survived my first post and are ready for another, here goes. I woke up today with a fresh perspective, ready to get back on the bandwagon. Believe me, it was by no means easy, but I am just keeping my eye on the prize ... feeling and looking healthy.

Since it is only my second week of summer break, I am still trying to savor it and sleep in. I stayed in bed until about 9:30 today. I had my first of two sessions with a personal trainer today, and I wanted to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Now, I am by no means an expert on this eating healthy thing, but I do my best (considering that I do not cook ... but I will save that for another post). I decided to fill up on some assorted fruit (watermelon, cantaloupe, watermelon, and grapes) for breakfast. I also grabbed a granola bar on my way to the gym - just one of those Chewy 90 calorie chocolate chip ones.

I was really excited to work with Jenny (my trainer today). You are probably thinking ... trainer?!? That must be expensive! Unfortunately, it is. I definitely don't have the money to spend on one regularly. But the WAC (short for Wisconsin Athletic Club for those of you who aren't familiar with it) offers two complementary "Fit-U" sessions with any regular membership. How is awesome is that?!? At the beginning of our 30-minute session, Jenny and I sat down and discussed what I wanted to get out of my workouts. I explained my weight loss ... and gain ... and how I wanted to make sure that I didn't gain anymore .... and even lose a little more to reach my initial goal weight. I also explained how, although I would LOVE it, I couldn't afford to work out with her on a regular basis. She was totally supportive and agreed to help set me up with a workout that I could do on my own.

I will share more specifics of the workout later, once I have it down pat. It involves groupings of two or three strength moves. I do 12-15 reps of each and then repeat the group. Jenny also encouraged me to amp up my cardio and run intervals. At first, I was terrified by the thought of running. But, then I tried it ... and LOVED it. I warmed up on the treadmill with 5 minutes of walking, and then alternated 2-3 minutes of running with 1 minute of walking for 30 minutes. The intervals helped to keep me from tiring out and from getting bored! I am actually looking forward to doing it again. Shocking!

After such an awesome workout, I was excited to fuel my body with some healthy food. I made a nice big salad to take to work with lots of tomatoes and peppers and turkey for protein. Between lunch and dinner, I snacked on some trail mix and a banana. For dinner, I made a Lean Cuisine (Butternut Squash Ravioli, yum!). Are these things supposed to fill a person up? Because it didn't quite do it for me. So, I snacked on some veggies (carrots, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, and cauliflower) and ranch after dinner. 

Overall, I'm feeling pretty good about myself today. Solid workout. Healthy food choices. Hopefully I can keep this up! 

What is your favorite healthy snack?

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