Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day everyone! It is HOT, HOT, HOT here in Milwaukee today. I had no idea how hot is was going to be when I woke up today. Yes, I had seen the forecast on the news, but for some reason I forgot how hot almost ninety degrees feels. Maybe because we haven't had much of a spring around here this year? 

I had another lazy morning with Brad, but I can't really complain about that. I'm really enjoying being off of school for the summer and having time to relax with no worries. Ok, there always seems to be something to worry about, but no school ... for now. Although, I did realize that my Praxis II test (the second test I need to pass in order to student teach in the spring and subsequently graduate from college) is rapidly approaching. I'm not really good at studying for tests (one of the reasons that I love Alverno, the college I attend --- we rarely have them!). However, this test is really inevitable, so I suppose I should start reviewing. I'm not too concerned about the math and English sections; those are my strengths. Social studies (history in particular) and science are a different story. I borrowed some BrainQuest cards (remember those?) from Brad's little sister, so I decided that I should take a stab at those tonight. We started with the "America" stack. All I can say is yikes! I'm a lost cause ... Oh well! All I can do is hope for the best. 

We saw the Hangover 2 last night. I know! We are movie machines this weekend! I don't mind it though. "Staying in" means drinking less means being more healthy. :) Although I did have a  strawberry kiwi slushie last night. Yum! No popcorn though. I was too full from dinner. Brad's family offered to share with us, so we had mini burgers and steak sandwiches. I had one of each with some veggies. I grabbed some fruit too, but didn't even have room for that. I think my stomach is shrinking?!

Today, after being lazy until about noon-ish, I finally worked up the motivation to move. I planned on going to the WAC, but when I realized how beautiful it was outside, I decided to attempt another outdoor workout. I knew that I wouldn't get a lot of running in (after my less than satisfactory experience with outdoor running on Saturday), so I just did a few laps of running and walking around the high school track nearby and then threw in a bunch of other random exercises like jumping jacks, squats, lunges, squat jumps, mountain climbers, push ups, and planks. After about thirty minutes, I was worn out and plenty schweaty, so I walked home to finish up with some ab work and a nice cold shower! 

I spent the rest of the day over at my friend Kaitlin's house for a cookout. It was awesome to spend some time with friends and get some sun. Some of us got some more sun than others (someone *cough* Kaitlin *cough* might look like a lobster). Today's weather is dfeinitely not something we are used to so far this year in Wisconsin. In fact, it was actually a little exhausting. I think little Jayden was happy to cool off for a bit in the basement. 

I know I was happy to get home and enjoy some air conditioning. Although I know I should not be complaining, because we are lucky to finally have some nice weather. But how about a happy medium?

How was your Memorial Day weekend?

P.S. I've lost three pounds since I started eating healthy and working out again. Yipee! Not that it's the weight loss that counts. I'm really feeling a lot better about myself as well! But all of this hot weather means less clothing, so I have to admit that being down a few pounds is a great feeling. Until next time! -K

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