Saturday, May 28, 2011


Hola! Today is definitely a lazy Saturday so far, but I can't say that I really mind. I got to sleep in with the boyfriend, which doesn't happen much during the school year.  Since then, I've been really productive. My day has consisted of: (1) eating some cereal and a banana for breakfast (2) reading blog after blog after blog (I'm obsessed), (3) eating leftovers from last night for lunch, and (4) watching some Law and Order: SVU on the couch. :) I am working on getting the motivation to workout. I'm thinking about going for a run outside, since it is semi-nice out today.

After a visit with my dad last night (still no improvement on his leg), I met up with my friends Kaitlin and Erika and Erika's little boy Jayden. We headed to Texas Roadhouse for dinner. Not only is the Roadhouse one of our favorite restaurants to hang out at, but it was my friend (and co-worker at The UPS Store) Adrian's last day working there. He got a job as a police officer and is moving onto bigger and better things. Congrats Adrian! You are one cool dude and have been an awesome friend to me so far. 

First of all, how adorable is Jayden? I am so happy for Erika, and she is a great mommy to the little guy. I know that it's not always easy being a single mom, but she is doing her best! And Jayden has lots of aunties who love the heck of out him, including me! (Doesn't it look like he is giving a thumbs up? HOW ADORABLE!)

Somehow Adrian talked Kaitlin and I into splitting a pitcher of Strawberry Mango margaritas ... not the healthiest option in the world, but totally worth it. They were delicious!

Since Adrian is super supportive with my quest to be health-concious, he suggest the grilled salmon. Since I love fish, I was totally on board and ordered that (sans the lemon garlic butter) and a baked potato. I contemplated between the caesar and garden salads (knowing that the garden salad would be the healthier option), but I absolutely can't resist a Texas Roadhouse caesar salad and decided to splurge. That is the difference between the old and new "healthy me." I think the reason that I was unable to keep up with last summer's lifestyle was that I was so extremely dedicated. I mean, of course this was fabulous , because I lost over 60 pounds in less than four months. However, when I had a taste of "regular" food again, I went a little overboard, instead of integrating it into my healthy lifestyle. Therefore, this time around, I am doing my best to let myself enjoy the things I love in moderation. So far, it is working great! 

When my meal came, I immediately cut the baked potato in half, imagining that I would (and should) have some leftovers. Oh, and remember the roll I was dying for? I didn't even end up having one! I decided to save it until after the meal to enjoy as a sort of dessert. Except, between the margaritas and my meal, I was too stuffed to have one! And like I mentioned before, I enjoyed the leftover half of my meal for lunch today.

I added a salad for some veggie power! And the nice thing about eating at home is that I can use my "healthier" condiments like spray butter and fat-free sour cream. Score! Ok, that's enough for today. Going to see the movie "Bridesmaids" tonight. I heard it's super funny and was shot in Milwaukee. I'll let you know what I thought!

What's your favorite restaurant to enjoy a meal with friends?

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