Sunday, May 29, 2011

Why Work Out?

Aaaand, the rain has begun here. I'm so glad I got a car wash today. (Can you sense the sarcasm?) But it was for a fundraiser for the boyfriend's younger brother's volleyball team, so I don't really mind. I also picked up some nuts and a pumpkin muffin from the bake sale. I'm looking forward to enjoying those later in the week. One of the "old me's" would have  gone straight for the cookies or brownies and the other would have avoided the bake sale all together. I'm glad that I've been able to find a happy medium.

So, I saw the movie Bridesmaids last night, and I only have one word to describe it .... HILARIOUS! I totally loved it! I may or may not have forgotten to eat dinner before the movie, but I talked Brad into going early, so I could stop and get some frozen yogurt (AKA my new obsession) before it started. It had strawberries, pineapple, and granola, so that counts as a meal, right? ;) I also had some popcorn at the movie. I can't resist that stuff. It wouldn't feel right to see a movie at the theatre without a little popcorn. No butter for me, though, so I felt good about that.

Now, I know you're all dying to know if I worked up the motivation to work out yesterday. I did! Was it my best workout ever? Definitely not. But am I glad I got my butt up off the couch? Absolutely. I waited a little bit too long to make it to the gym (they have limited hours this weekend because of Memorial Day), so I attempted to run my intervals outside. Why is running outside so much harder than on the treadmill? I'm not going to lie. I hated it. But I made it through about twenty minutes of random intervals (run for as long as I could, then took a break and walked for a minute or so). Although I couldn't really handle any more running after that, I wasn't quite ready to be done (not to mention that I was still a ways from home). I decided to stop in the parking lot of one of the elementary schools to do some step ups, lunges, squats, jumping jacks, butt kicks, and push ups. Let me just interject here and say that I have no idea where the motivation for this came from, but I was really proud of myself for doing it. I used whatever was around (stairs for step ups and the bike rack for standing push ups) to get the job done. Then, I did some speed walking to get home and finished up with some ab work and stretching. 

Today, on the other hand, I decided to head to the WAC almost as soon as I woke up to avoid yesterday's problem. This weekend has definitely reinforced what I already knew .... it is harder for me to get the motivation to workout when Brad is home with me, because I don't want to leave him. We don't get to spend a lot of quality time together during the week, so I really appreciate hanging out on the couch when we can. BUT, I don't want to get into the groove I've been in for the past nine months, so I have to get past this. I usually wake up before Brad, so if I head out right away, it's not a big deal. Plus, he is totally understanding of my desire to be more healthy (even though the fact that I haven't shared my blog with him yet is obviously killing him, haha). 

I'll close my blog today with one final thought that I read in a guest post on one of my new favorite blogs to read, Peanut Butter Fingers: "Remember that working out isn’t just about burning calories and losing weight. Exercise for your mental health, to do something positive for yourself, to take care of your body, to ward off disease and sickness, to improve your confidence and build relationships." This is something that I plan on trying to remind myself each and every time I need a boost of encouragement. As much as I want to burn calories, lose a few pounds, and maintain my weight loss, I need to remember that there are tons of other benefits that come from my daily workout. Until next time! -K

Why do you work out?

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