Monday, June 6, 2011

Super Spin

How was your weekend? I can tell you what I did this weekend ... ATE. Ok, not even that much, but when I'm trying to eat healthy, any kind of splurge makes me a feel guilty. I'm trying to work on that feeling, because it's totally unnecessary. Like I've said a few times already on here, I'm working on finding a happy medium between the "last summer" me (pyscho healthy) and the "other" me (fairly unhealthy). Slowly but surely, I'm striking that balance. What I've decided is that as long as I am doing my best to eat healthy whenever I can (AKA when I'm eating at home or can pack a meal), then it is ok for me to eat "regular" food on other occasions.

For example, this weekend at the baby shower, I didn't hold back. I snacked on guacamole, spinach and avocado dip, ham roll-ups, deviled eggs, and more of the usual party garb. I also had a mini turkey sub and some tuna salad. I probably could have snapped a picture of my plate (or plates ;), but I still don't possess the 24/7 blog mentality, so I forget to do so. Plus, I'm still a little uncomfortable whipping out my camera and taking a picture of my food in front of other people who don't know that I blog. I'm thinking that's normal. I'm still keeping the blog pretty private, although I don't mind if you share it with anyone who you think it could benefit. I'm writing it mostly for myself; if it can inspire others who are looking to live a healthy life, then that is just an added benefit.

Anyways, back to the party. There was also cake. Normally, I'm not a huge fan of cake, but this cake had some sort of delicious strawberry filling, and I couldn't resist a piece. Initially, I felt guilty for eating "a lot." But the more I've thought about it, It's fine. Actually, it's totally normal. Living a healthy lifestyle means making healthy choices most of the time. But when I'm at a party or out to eat, it's ok to indulge a little bit. As long as it's not every day, because that, my friends, is how weight gain happens.

Plus, I'm working out reguarly. Take today for example. I decided to put on my big girl pants and brave spin class. I have tried most of the other classes offered at the WAC, but spin was intimidating for me. After trying it out for 20 minutes in Julie's cardio class last week, I decided that I was ready. But first, I needed a good breakfast. Smoothie time! I ripped open my new blender this morning, excited to try it out for the first time. I grabbed a banana that I had tossed into the freezer (without the peel this time ... I don't think I need to explain how difficult it is to work with an un-peeled frozen banana, OOPS) and tossed it into the blender. I added a cup or so of almond milk and a packet of chocolate protein powder. I twisted the blender, and it worked like a charm! WOW! I'm in love ... with a blender.

The smoothie was delicious. It tasted chocolatey with a hint of banana. Still, since this was my first attempt at smoothie-making, there are a couple of changes I would make it the future. I will definitely work on refining my smoothie-making techniques. This one was pretty good, and it's only up from here!

I sipped on my smoothie on my way to the gym, unaware of the spinning insanity that was about to take place.

The smoothie-making process did set me back a few minutes, so I was on schedule to be right on time for spin class. That is, until I got stuck behind a train. Grr ...

Hello! I have places to be ...

Now normally, a regular spin class is 45-minutes long. I rushed into the gym and asked the front desk if there was still room available and there was. I had hoped to get there a few minutes early, so the Melissa (the instructor) could help me make sure that my bike was set up correctly. Oh well! In addition, to my surprise, I walked into the room and found out that today, Melissa had decided a hold a two-hour long super spin class! There was no turning back now.

I was relieved to hear that it was totally acceptable to leave early if necessary. However, as the class progressed, I was really enjoying it. Don't get my wrong, it was exhausting, and I had to push myself hard to climb hills and sprint, but it made me feel strong. I watched as other people left after the regular 45-minutes or one-hour. Every few minutes, the number of spinners in the room dropped, and I kept telling myself that after we finished the next "section," I would head out. But for some reason, I couldn't pull myself off of the bike. I was one of three people who stayed for the entire class. I know that my legs and booty will surely be feeling it tomorrow, but I feel so accomplished and can't wait to hit up another spin class. I would definitely call this a spin success!

Time to finish out my last full night at work and catch The Bachelorette when I get home. I'm totally hooked on that show! -K

Have you ever taken a spin class? Do you have any suggestions for a spin newbie?


  1. So proud of you, Katie!! Do you know where your Mom bought your blender and what she paid for it? I've always wanted a Magic Bullet but they are so expensive.

  2. Yep, she got it at JCPenny for $30! Here is the link:|71398&sa=1
